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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What's the WORD, Humminbird?

What are some scriptures or thoughts from your devotions that you would like to share?  

I have been working through the New Testament in my devotions since last summer.  I love all of the Letters of Paul.  I really enjoyed and learned a lot from reading Romans.  John was a favorite read as well.  I loved his perspective on the life of Jesus on earth.

Right now, I am reading 1 Timothy.

 Here is the verse of the day from Bible Gateway:

“For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.” Romans 14:8 ESV

I have been blessed many, many, many times in the course of my teaching with God popping a verse in my head at the right moment. Or, what really freaks kids out, we do the next page in our devotional book, and it points right to the class's needs of the moment.  God is so good!

The verse above is another one of those "dewdrops of mercy".  It really hones in on my heart's desire for my class this year.  I am trying to find special scriptures to use in my classroom this year.  My new class is a burden on my heart.  There was a lot of "bullying" of sorts last year.  They are definitely a class of  "people-pleasers".  They were fine when I had them for English (I teach Fifth Grade, but the Fourth Grade teacher and I switch for English and Math.), but at specials or when teachers weren't looking (even though teachers have eyes in the backs of their heads...), their behavior left much to be desired.  I just need this class to be covered in prayer.  I am going to start the year being tough on them.  No fun privileges to earn for behavior.  "Why?" you may ask.  Because they know how to be good to get rewards.  I am concerned about the heart attitude behind their choices, and I don't want to feed the "people-pleaser" part of them, if that makes any sense.

So, I am asking you, dear friends, to cover this class with your prayers.  Pray for me for wisdom in ministering to their hearts.  Also, if you can think of some good scriptures I can have them memorize that focus on the heart, I would greatly appreciate it.  I am not a parent.  It is not in God's plan for me to be able to have children.  So, I have a dog.  And students.  I consider this kids as my own, I love each class dearly, and truly believe in the importance of a partnership between the teacher and the parents.  But with being a parent comes lots of learning and wisdom. I don't have that.  I would  appreciate any advice you can give me for this "strong-willed class".

Thank you so much!

P.S. Here are a few pictures of my classroom from last year.  It will be pretty much be the same this year.  I thought I would share it with you so you can kind of visualize who you are praying for!


  1. Wonderful pics of your classroom, Heather!
    I fully understand the need for prayer for these children - I taught mainly English and French to 12/13 year olds and every day I'd come face to face with the fact that we are powerless to change anyone's heart, it is God's Sovereign work.
    So pray we must and I will keep you all in prayer.

    Pray for me with my children for it is hard disciplining in love. I need patience!
    I will think over some passages of Scripture.

  2. Bless your heart Heather! I don't envy you your job, as it comes with limitless challenges and burdens. I teach as well (surprise, surprise) - but, by the time I get the students, they are there because they want to (or at least understand that they "need to) be there. (I teach business law....) But my son went to a Christian day school through 8th grade and I was always amazed by the parents who sent their children there thinking that it somehow fulfilled their parental duties to bring their children up in a Christian way, or viewed it as a way of dealing with a "problem" child. I will keep you, and your students, in my thoughts and prayers. As for Scriptures, I'll ponder and see what comes to mind. I've always cherished Proverbs myself....Smiles, Hugs & Blessings ~ Robin

  3. PS - Thanks so much for taking off the word verification! Yea!! :o)

  4. Your classroom looks great! I taught pre-k for the past 6 years. Sending up special prayers for you and your class.

    1. Thanks! Oh, may the Lord richly bless you! I have all of the admiration in the world for those who nurture the little guys! Woah! I know I couldn't!

      Thank you for your prayers!


  5. Thank you for all of your prayers. Christine, you are so right. I need to acknowledge God's sovereign will in each of their lives. Sometimes, I get depressed when I see the students leave our school. 5th used to be the last grade at our school. God has blessed us with a middle school this year. I would see how they would stray away, I'd think, "What did I do wrong!?" But, as you said, we can't change hearts on our own. It is not about us. It is about God using our failings and strivings for HIS glory.

    I will definitely pray for your patience, and I know you will pray for mine as well. To still our tongues when the last straw has been pulled!

    It is good to connect with other educators, even if they are different subjects or ages, we can still connect. I LOVE my job. I am grateful God placed me in this career and at this school. I have been there for 12 years, and the students and faculty are like family. I am blessed.

    You are right, Robin, as well. Many parents do view Christian education as their fulfilled duty. That is the hardest because that is where there is the least partnership. I have to say, I have only been part of very few situations like that. I have had the blessing to be considered part of the family in many of the families of which I have taught (Which is great since I don't have my own children!). That is just how my school is. We laugh together, cry together, give lots of hugs. It is wonderful! But, with that, are also many dangers. Getting lax or overconfident. Forgetting from whom the blessings come. Attacks from Satan which lead to discouragement.

    So, I will definitely keep you all in my prayers. Maybe I will start a prayer request post. I know I have to write them down in my devotional journal! I will do that next!

    Thank you all again for advice and fellowship. I know I tend to be long-winded (TEACHER!), but I appreciate your taking the time to read and respond! Thank you for the prayers!


  6. Oh, Robin. Yea! I figured out the verification thing, but I still can't figure out the email reply thingy. I think it is because my blog is connected to my google+ account. Too many menus!!! Arg!

  7. Keep putting the Lord first and you won't go wrong! You are very organized. Good for you...Have a good and Godly week! Blessings, Laura R.

    1. AMEN! Thank you for your encouragement! Blessings to you as well!


  8. Thanks for stopping by. And keep crying out to the Lord! Keep planting seeds and watering. Lo children are a heritage from the Lord. I don't have children either (2 cats) but God opens and closes the womb. Don't get weary in well doing...Love Laura

    1. Thank you, Laura! God has reasons for me to not be able to have my own children. It is a blessing, though, to be able to meet and be a small part of the lives of many children. God is good! And I will keep crying out! I think I will be doing it even more so this year!


"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24

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