Hi, How'dy, How are ya?

Welcome to "The Country Schoolmarm"! Get yourself a cup of coffee (I take mine strong with vanilla creamer), grab a seat, and chat a while! Isn't that what country friends do? Now, all we need is a porch...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wednesday Whats & What Nots

Commercial Break...
First, a big 'ol shout-out to all of my new blogging friends!  I can't tell you how much I appreciate your encouragement, support, shout-outs for me on your blogs, help, YOU NAME IT!  You have made this fun for me!  I didn't think anyone would find me, but I have been blessed by you all in your friendliness.  In thinking about the generosity of your time with me, and the wonderful blog giveaways, I would like to do a giveaway when I reach 50 members.  Stay tuned...

Now, on with the show...

 What to do, what to do...
     Okay, so I found these copper cups in a drawer.  I originally intended them to be votives.  I bought a whole bunch.  Too many.  Ooops, hoarding alert!  SO, I am using them to make little pincushion thing-a-ma-jigs.  I have a couple different versions of the base.  Which ones do you like?  Which ones need a little somethin' somethin', or do you have other suggestions as to how to "primitivefy" (Yes.  I made up the word.  Shhh.  Don't let my students know!) them?

     Look at the votive I did!  I used the old trusty "Modgepodge and Coffee" technique.  I think I need to buy stock in Modgepodge.  Really. All set with coffee... It definitely will have a prim look sitting in the black iron votive holder behind it!  It has a new lease on life! Yea!

     Okay, and this box-thingy.  Gonna paint it black (shocking) and put some prim bowls in it.  What do you think?  I know, the stamping isn't very prim.  But!  It was from my cutesy country days.  You know, when I swore I would never be interested in the extreme prim.

Whatcha' doin'?
  1. Entering Giveaways! How fun!  Check out my new tab on the left side of my blog.  I am listing sites that are having giveaways so that you can check them out!  Lots of talent out there!  If I missed yours, please send me a link, and I will add it! I have added Cindi's Country CornerThe Rusty Thimble and Seasons of My Mind.The Rusty Thimble also has a Facebook giveaway. Don't forget about Salmon Falls Prims.
  2. Thrift Shop scouring.  I have to wait until I wake up from the Benadryl a bit...
  3. Going to our local craft warehouse to get make-up.  YES.  You heard me right.  The warehouse has a bath and body boutique.  Seriously!  They carry "Bare Minerals" make-up.  AND, I have a store rewards coupon for $10 off!  Another "Woooooohooooo!"
  4. Crafts.  Don't know what.  Grunging is involved. 
  5. My Pincushion
  6. Taking something I sold on eBay to the post office.  Yea!  I made a little profit!  No, it wasn't the pin cushion. :(  You know, I must say.  My Post Lady is so nice!  She has been helping me to sort out the new world of "SHIPPING".
What I am   NOT doing...
  1. Taking as much Benadryl.  Sheesh.  I did have some fun buying though... Wooohoo! 
  2. Getting an early start on said activities because I am still here talking to y'all! It's ALL good, though!
  3. Waking up from my coffee...*YAWN*
Have a great day, Friends!


Coffee Talk for Today:  Well, if you could recommend some solutions to my crafting issues, that would be great!  Otherwise, what would you like to chat about?
    The Rusty Thimble Facebook Giveaway

Cindi's Country Corner Giveaway

The Rusty Thimble Giveaway

Seasons of My Mind Giveaway

Salmon Falls Prims Giveaway


      1. Hi! I am a new follower :) I think your copper votive cups look great! Yes I agree mod podge can be used on anything :) I have used clear polyurathane and cinnamon on jars before also to get a prim look. Have fun!
        ~The Olde Willow~

      2. Hi, Jen!!!! Do you think I should leave the pots plain, a little brownish, or really grungy. OR, a little of both? I can't decide! Thank you for taking the time to post!


      "Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24

      Let's chat! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas!