Hi, How'dy, How are ya?

Welcome to "The Country Schoolmarm"! Get yourself a cup of coffee (I take mine strong with vanilla creamer), grab a seat, and chat a while! Isn't that what country friends do? Now, all we need is a porch...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Flip It!

     Oh, man!  I struck gold at the thrift shops!  Here are some things I got at two different store.  Grand total- around $14.00.  Um, I have to admit.  I did keep a few of the items. They flipped into my house...
     I got an Eldreth  ovoid salt-glazed small jug for, get this, $1!  Seriously!  I saw it at Goodwill and snatched it before anyone could see what a bargain it was.  That seems very terrible when I write it out.  I feel like Gollum from Lord of the Rings- "My Precious!" (That guy creeps me out!).  You don't see it here because I gave it to my mom. Awwwwww... She collects salt-glazed pottery too! 
     These items will hopefully be making their debut on eBay tonight.  After I clean up my crafting mess, do dishes, decorate for Fall, and, well, take a nap. So, it's a toss-up!  I told you all I needed a nap. Coffee Cake yesterday; nap today!  It's all good!
     I hope this finds you all well.  I have a few more "Picture Pages" to share (...time to get your crayons and your pencils- anyone remember that show?  Come on.  Admit it!).  See, this is what happens when I am out of comission for a few days and also drank a large iced latte.

Blessings to you all!


Coffee Talk for Today- To pincushion the treenware cup or not to pincushion, that is the question!
Pewter Porringer- awesome patina!
I got two of these for $1!  Went to COCALICO CREEK and got some battery tea lights.  I went to the big one in Lancaster.  They are getting ready for their grand opening, girls!
Springerle Mold
2 for that price!
$.50!  I may hold on to it and put it on a craft, maybe as a reflector for a wooden candle?

Old treenware cup- I am thinking of making it into a pincushion.  Or, do ya'll think I should sell it as is?
Pineapple is hand carved- $2.  I am going to group it with some other pineapple items.  Santa- well, he's just cute!
This was plain plywood when I bought it for $1.  I "oldified" it with Gesso, brown paint, cinnamon, Modgepodge.  I sent a picture to my dad.  His answer was, "Yuck!"  Yeah.  He's not into prims.
Clothes pin dolls in their grungy spa.  They look silly!  They are getting a tan in the oven now... I will post their finished make-over later!


  1. Wow! What great finds! Love it all.

    1. Thanks! It is all on eBay. I think I got instantaneous carpal tunnel syndrome. IT TOOK HOURS! Ugh. I am glad you like it! How are you today?



"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24

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