Hi, How'dy, How are ya?

Welcome to "The Country Schoolmarm"! Get yourself a cup of coffee (I take mine strong with vanilla creamer), grab a seat, and chat a while! Isn't that what country friends do? Now, all we need is a porch...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Welcome to Fifth Grade 2.0...

Welcome to Fifth Grade! 

This my new room in a modular all to myself.  Well, and my awesome teacher's aide.  And my 20 lovely students.  And my hamster.  And some fish.  And a ficus.  True, but unnecessary for you to know.  About the ficus, I mean.  I do have one.  Nevermind... On with the tour! Well first, those of you who are new may be wondering, 'So what?'  To get caught up, you can find the tour of my old classroom of 9 years here.

Welcome! (Made on Microsoft Word... Really easy!)

Welcome! (I stole the "5" from my old room. Shhhh...)

We work all over the place!

And remember, class, true obedience is without delay, without excuse, and without challenge.


Woodland theme...

Turn in your work... MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT!!! ARGH!!!!

Repainted it for the new "look".  Was green and had fancy-smancy apples on it.

My teacher's aide's desk!  She is awesome and a treasure!

Look under the moose chalkboard... Coffee center... Mmmmmmmm...

Lots of windows and doors to let in the beautiful weather today!

First lesson in our Bible curriculum... See the theme.  The school theme for the year is "Forgiven".

Pillow covers I got at a thrift store with Granny Trace'... Love the colors...

Biscuit is home!  Dictionary is still on top...  Sneaky little guy...

Working on English...

"The Command Center Reboot"

Chillin' with the hamster...

Group work on the "porch"...

My USA signage that I snagged from Target about 5 years ago... They didn't want it after "Back-to-School" season.  I did.  It finally has a good spot to show it!

Our path to the ramp, other desk, and other door.

The other building and new addition God has blessed our school with!

Thank you for stopping by!!!

Mrs. Wise (a.k.a. Heather)


  1. So beautiful and very friendly :)
    Love x

    1. You are always such an encouragement!!! Love and hugs to you!

  2. Thanks for the tour, very fortunate kids to have you as their teacher.

    1. I am blessed to be theirs... Couldn't ask for a better calling...


  3. That is the coolest classroom! It's like a little "house." I like how the kids work ANYWHERE!! It looks so comfortable ~ and cozy! Those kids are certainly blessed to have you for their teacher.

    1. That is how the class and I feel... LIke it is a little house! I am happy because I don't really need to leave my room! I LOVE the windows!!!!

      THank you for your comment!

  4. I want to be in your room! Everything looks so cozy! Love it. Thanks for the tour!

    1. Girl! You keep saying you are coming... Get to PA! Soon!!!



"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24

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