Hi, How'dy, How are ya?

Welcome to "The Country Schoolmarm"! Get yourself a cup of coffee (I take mine strong with vanilla creamer), grab a seat, and chat a while! Isn't that what country friends do? Now, all we need is a porch...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Okay, I really am still here...

     Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's moving junk we will go! Today, we moved 6 teachers into their new classrooms. 4 actually went into a brand new building addition! It is almost a  3rd floor. God is so good! It was nice being back with my family, my co-workers. We had a lot of laughs while we poured down with sweat and strained our backs. All but one of us is late 30's or older, so we were really wiped. 

     It was neat how we all came together. The teachers' classroom items were dumped in the basement- their whole classrooms reduced to a huge section of boxes and such. So, we made an assembly line. One group would lug stuff to the elevator, then some would load the elevator. From there,the elevator would go to the second floor where another group would unload while the elevator stop button sounded an alarm that I can still hear in my head (Let me just pause for a moment to say that we were all envious of the nice elevator stop button on NCIS. NICE. ) It was great motivation for unloading it quickly. After it was unloaded and piled, another group took it up steps to the new building. 

     Whew! When we were done, we were marveling at how well our particular brand of deodorant worked. Then, as a band of teachers, we ate at the pizzeria on the corner feeling there was safety in being stinky and sweaty in numbers. 

     Well, all that to say. I am wiped. I ended up having a high fever Sunday and am still not myself. BUT, I do plan on showing some shelf ideas tomorrow night for you to review. Steve has promised to lug up "The Autumn Box of Fun". Yippee!  I may even have some classroom pictures!

     So, please tune in to finish our hutch together! Here are some other items I found, however, I think the birds stray away from the buttery idea, but they are Fallish. See what you think!

     Anywhooo, I will see you all tomorrow night! I miss our chats! I much rather be chatting than wiping bins and purging papers. Yea. 

Love and hugs to you all. Thank you for putting up with me!



  1. Morning Teach
    School bells ringing..
    Praying you are feeling better from head to toe soon.
    Sweet Fall birds.
    Woolie Hugs & Pumpkin Cookies

  2. Hi sweet friend! So hoping that you will be in tip top form for school!
    Looking forward to checking out the shelving ideas!
    Speak soon!

  3. It sounds like you have a nice group of teachers to work with...but I'm oh so sorry you have been sick. Feel better soon friend. I LOVE these little quail you have in the picture...can't wait to see your shelving ideas and classroom pics.

  4. Teachers are some of the most wonderful people I know. They are tireless and team players. If you love your birds, then birds is what you should have out! Life is short, have only things around you that you love. (and that includes people)

  5. How awesome that you all came together and work together so good. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  6. Sweet awww sweet fall birds :..
    Get well soon dear.
    Hugs x

  7. Oh I am so happy to see that you posted, I have been praying for you that you were feeling better. I will keep on that! I love the birds!
    Have a great rest of the week,
    Be blessed,


"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24

Let's chat! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas!