Hi, How'dy, How are ya?

Welcome to "The Country Schoolmarm"! Get yourself a cup of coffee (I take mine strong with vanilla creamer), grab a seat, and chat a while! Isn't that what country friends do? Now, all we need is a porch...

Monday, October 1, 2012

This and That and eBay Updates...

Well, a new month means new listings (because you get 50 free each month)!  I re-listed some of the items from previous posts, but quite a few sold (praise God for His grace!  It fells good to get rid of stuff!).  Here are some of my new items.  Some have asked me about swaps.  I am fine with that!  Let me know if there is something that appeals to you, and I can end the listing if we make a deal! As always, thank you for looking and providing feedback!  It is all greatly appreciated!  

I am trying to plug away at my pincushions!  AND, hopefully I can share my Autumn Home Decor!  Today was not such a great day in fifth grade...  I need prayer for wisdom, truly. But, a warm spot in the day- one of my students got me a hamster!  My class pet, as I posted before, had passed on.  I did purchase another one, but the dear boy felt I needed another one still.  His name is Murphy.  I will post pictures later of him as well!

Prayers and Blessings to you, Dear Friends!  Thank you for your prayers on behalf of my co-worker, Sue, in the loss of her mother. I know she greatly appreciates them!

Anywhooo, on with the show!

Sold! Thank you!

Sold!  Thank you!

Sold!  Thank you!


  1. Wow everything is so beautiful
    Love for you xxx

  2. Hello dear friend! Just to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    How sweet of that student to buy you another hamster!
    Keep working on the pinkeeps!
    God bless

    1. Ahhh, my dear Miss Barry!
      I hope this finds you well! Thank you for your prayers. I kind of need them right now. I did have an encouraging "bear my heart" talk with my mentor and friend, Anne (Yup. With an "e". The teacher who brought me the toilet paper). I just needed to get a good cry out. But your prayers and felt and appreciated! My student is ever so tenderhearted and sweet. His gift and thoughtfulness made my day! I am working on the pinkeeps. I have lots of containers. Just trying to work out how "plump" to make them... I will have to email you a picture or two and get your opinion...

      Awww, I miss chatting more with you! Hope everything is well with you and your family!

      Love and Blessings,
      Miss Shirley

  3. Good Morning Teach!
    I am lifting you in prayer. Praying for bursting at the seams JOY for you and your students :/...Someone must really care about you to buy you a new hamster. How fun.
    I can't wait to see your pinkeeps.
    Have a wonderful JOYFUL day.


    1. Well, hello there! My favorite Granny!
      My boy is a dear to think of me. And Murphy is a sweet hamster! Thank you so much for your prayers. They mean a lot!!!

      Hope your day was a good one! I have enjoyed watching your fall fun on your blog!!! And your AWESOME cruise. Goodness me, what a contrast to Fall!

      Oh, I am thinking I need some woolie love apples... Are you going to be making anymore this season? They are so comforting!

      Love ya! Hugs right back!

  4. Hi Heather,
    I saw where you stopped by my blog and wanted to say hi and love your blog!

    1. Hi, Vicki!!!!
      Thanks so much for dropping by! I looking forward to visiting one another!!!! :) Thank you for your kind words of encouragement!

      Blessings to you, new Friend!!!


"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24

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