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Monday, February 11, 2013

Hanging my head in shame...

     Oh, my.  I hang my head in shame.  I have been a terrible blogger.  I have been reading your posts between "Noo!  Don't chew on that, Charlie!" and "Bailey!  Be nice!" And then at school, it's a little of the same thing except the chewing... :)  Just a normal week at school!

     Hubby just got back from a business trip to Rhode Island.  Yup. During the blizzard.  Lost power at his hotel.  Just a whole adventure for him.  Praise God for his safe return! He came home today to meet our new furry baby.  Charlie was on trial, but my dear hubby said that we could keep him!  He said he was cute, but not a lick of guard dog in him.  Steve came home, got him out of his crate to take him out, and got licked to death.

My name is Charlie!
I sleep. I play. I sleep.

Talk to the paw...

Yes. My pj's have polar bears...

Hah!  I found the toy stash!  Mine!

Don't be fooled... They aren't having a whole lotta love for each other yet...
 Yup. That's right.  He is a sleeper. But hyper to asleep in 60 seconds... So, I must admitt, not much blogging and commenting on my end!  But I have been praying for you and reading your blogs!  I will try to get up to speed and also honor my commitment to Cindi's "Whole Lotta Love".  Cindi, I think it was just so wonderful for you to start that!  I have enjoyed reading what people have written!!!

A whole lotta love to you all!!!!
Heather, Bailey, and Charlie


  1. Ohhh Charlie is so darling! Thanks for the compliment! Have a great week my friend!
    Be blessed,

  2. Oh sweet puppy love.
    Puppies sure are alot of work,but so worth every minute.
    Glad Steve loves Charlie too and is home.
    Woolie Hugs & LOVE

  3. He is adorable.In our house hubby brings them home and I'm left to training.LoL..Yep you've got a very busy time ahead but it'll be worth it.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Awww...he's so cute! You must have tons of energy to keep up with your busy life!

    Enjoy that pup...

  5. Absolutely precious! Puppies are toddlers for a long while. Surely peace will set in soon. :)


"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24

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