Hi, How'dy, How are ya?

Welcome to "The Country Schoolmarm"! Get yourself a cup of coffee (I take mine strong with vanilla creamer), grab a seat, and chat a while! Isn't that what country friends do? Now, all we need is a porch...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Name is Miss Lazy Pants...

     Yeah, so I have a little math problem for you.  Here we go: 2 days in a weekend, plus Martin Luther King Jr. Day, plus 2 snow days = a FIVE day weekend.  It also equals a bonus of awesome. However, today, I had to get up, shower (I showered the other days... maybe.  No, I did...), drive on icy snow covered roads, was confused all day because I thought it was Tuesday, but it wasn't because it was Thursday, and now tomorrow is Friday, and my lesson plans are a befuddled mess!  See!  Even my grammar got lazy!  Would you look at the size of that run-on sentence?  Woah.  

     So, I meant to post this while I was off, but see, my husband was off too.  And, well, we got caught up playing the Star Wars Lego video game for the Wii.  I know, I know.  You may be thinking, 'How old ARE you?' Well, that is a post for, um, never.  We do have so much fun!

     Oh, side conversation...  I am typing this while I am watching Early American Video Art Gallery on Amazon Prime.  It is a $1.99 rental for a week.  But, it does have relaxing music and the things we love about prim and like to gaze at.  There is one portion where there are horse trotting sounds.  If you have a dog, you may want to turn the volume on that part down.  I have a Charlie barking in my ear.  That is NOT relaxing.

     I know Christmas is over, but I was satisfied in how the decorating turned out.  And, yes.  It is still up.  I am still taking ideas from what you all taught me back in the Fall.  My Christmas decor is still a bit "full", but it is better than last year. I am sorry that I didn't post sooner.  My days are full with school.  When I have lots of school stuff in my head, it is hard sometimes to find inspiration to write.  But, I need to keep at it.  So, please forgive me, dear friends, and bear with me! (Ooooh, they are showing redware on the video now.  Okay.  Sorry.  Squirrel...)

     Enough yapping and rabbit trails... Hope you like what I did this year! My theme was "Old-Fashioned Prim Christmas"  (Okay, more redware!  If I type anything weird, I am sorry.  They are showing SHELVES of it...).





 Thanks for stopping by!  Be sure to have a cup of hot coffee and bundle up 'cause, Baby, it's cold outside! 

Blessings, Love, and Huge Hugs!



  1. She's Alive!!
    hehe Just teasing..
    Ove been missing to with my hubby home also.
    Oh my I would love to shop at your home.
    What wonderful Christmas Prim Eye Candy!
    Truly love everywhere.
    Wish it was Christmas all year.
    Woolie Hugs & JOY

  2. We have been off schedule this week too! No snow days for us but we did have the MLK holiday and then Darbee was out sick one day and so it's been a crazy week here too. Love all of your decor. Your home looks like a prim shop! I could browse all day! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. What a fun post. Love the pictures, by the way I am very lazy too, but am wearing pj's most of the time.lol

  4. Oh MY, you are so busy and having so much fun too! Hope you are staying warm! Dianntha

  5. Ugh, the snow! Usually we love it but its just plain dangerous now. The kids will miss school again tomorrow making this day five of a long, extended weekend. I didn't get to craft or decorate much this past holiday season, however, I'm sure ill have more time Christmas 2014. Thank you for sharing your photos, they are so creative and warm.


"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24

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